Thursday, August 22, 2024

What is an "Impression" and Why the Hobby Isn't Dying


    Well, preparations for the 250th of Dunmore's War at Prickett's continue. I've been trying to get out in kit and hike and make adjustments. Everything is riding good and the pocket bottle is working great. Thanks Kobuck. Actually I like it in some ways better than the canteen. The canteen always rides at the back and underneath my bedroll strap or tucked behind my knapsack and so accessing it with all the gear over top can be a challenge. Whereas the pocket bottle, riding in the front side of the wallet was easily accessed while on the move. It's these little things that really make a world of difference. 

    As I hiked yesterday, I thought about the word "impression." A funny word to describe putting together an outfit from 250 years ago. It has several definitions depending on how you use it, but the one that suits our purposes goes something like "a graphic or pictorial representation of someone or something." These impressions of ours are supposed to be a window into the past, an illusion that we are indeed militiamen from 1774 or a British soldier, a trader, a longhunter etc. but in reality we are modern men and women working modern jobs in modern society. We try to offset our modernness by going into the woods and trying our hand at some of the skills our forbearers possessed. 

    For the public though, this first "impression" can really shape what they think about our nation's past. It can either perpetuate a stereotype, bolster old myths, or it can make one rethink and form new opinions on what exactly our ancestors looked like while reading the pages of Allen Eckart or thumbing through a Nathaniel Philbrick journalistic account. We become the first and maybe last impression for folks as they wind their way through an event stopping at sutlers and seeing the soldier camps. 

    I've been watching a lot of old movies, which I love. Those old movies sparked the fire for a lot of kids in my dad's generation and the generation before to really dive into history. As cheesy and hokey as some of them could be, it was the impression that really inspired a generation of young people to get excited about history and eventually to build their own impression of just what it might have looked like. From the early adaptation of Last of the Mohicans to Drums Along the Mohawk, Northwest Passage and Unconquered, history was portrayed in very black and white terms. America, its principles, its founders were mythic ideals and heroes who were above reproach. The white man's triumph over the harsh wilderness, the manifest destiny and the taming of the North American continent. Then along came Walt Disney's Davy Crocket, King of the Wild Frontier that leaned heavily into the rugged individual who stands up for what is right and who lends a hand when the going is tough. All good qualities to be sure. But, what of the reality? We'll get to that. This generation raised on Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone on TV (both played by Fess Parker) along with Johnny Tremain, the Light in the Forest etc. grew up to be the first and second waves of what we know as reenactors. Of course Civil War was happening, and the BAR had started, but this group began doing blackpowder shoots, got really into the western fur trade, marched in local bicentennial parades with their unit or muzzleloading club. And in those days, it had a sort of "Mayberry Founders Day Pageant" quality to it all. An impression, albeit an incomplete one. 

    The Bicentennial era really propelled things along though. Out came Sketchbook 76 and the Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, books that would really become the gold standard of the time. And so, black powder shooting began to have another element-the gear that our ancestors wore and carried. Reproductions are being produced and the next layer of the impression starts to be examined. It's not just about shooting a gun anymore, but what did they have on their person. The 20th century saw the rise of the "primitive skills" movement. People who were already involved in that movement easily gravitated towards this new hobby where they could combine skills and their love of history.  People started organizing treks and hunting camps sometimes called a "pack in" where one could put the skills, gear and gun knowledge to the test. Magazines like Muzzleloader became a companion piece to these journeys in history, and it was in the pages of Muzzleloader where I believe the next layer of the impression comes along.

Pack in organized by David Book in Iowa, 1979


    Mark Baker. His name has become synonymous in our hobby with walnut dyed smocks and hunting shirts worn by "long hunters." His impact can't be overstated in my opinion. Mark was a schoolteacher by trade and his writing style was polished but with a charming down home style that really brought a homespun yarn to life. He took his readers along on his adventures into the woods and really showed a whole new group of people what was possible and how history could be accessed in a very hands on way. A term that was eventually coined was "historical trekking" and so the Trekker era began. It exists as its own thing in the broader world of reenacting. Remember, groups like the BAR, NWTA etc were doing historical reenacting, but this was confined to a weekend at a public site, talking with tourists who came to see the sutlers and the two o'clock battle. Mark was doing this stuff without an audience aside from the readers who hung on his every word and who took this new impression and ran with it. Suddenly it was "the look." Everybody was dying smocks with walnuts and rolling their top shirt sleeve up over their undershirt sleeve. The Coalition of Historical Trekkers was formed and its members were regulars at Caesars Creek, Manskers Station, Martins Station and Bledsoe's.  

    During this phase, the Internet became a thing and suddenly information that was only available through the library or by visiting a museum or an archive was suddenly available to the masses.  In some cases brand new information surfaced for the first time, and in other cases, information was reexamined and new conclusions were made based on more adjacent sources being cross referenced and more eyes being put on the source material. The forum wars raged on how far to push "authenticity." Sites like Ticonderoga threw out the old playbook of annual encampments centered around the two O'clock battle in favor of a more immersive and intimate view into the daily life and times of those who lived in and around Ticonderoga from the days of the French and Indian War to Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys. This caused a large swath of people to feel alienated and hurt by the tightening of the standards. In contrast, sites like Vincennes continue the founders day pageant model that more resembles a pre-1840s renaissance faire than the market fairs of Locust Grove and Manskers Station of old. People like Nathan Kobuck began writing blogs and trying to push for a more detailed look into the long hunter trade of the 1760s. Others pushed back, clinging to the notion of the rugged individual trekking through the woods on foot with a knapsack and a Wilde blanket. 

    As we are coming into the post pandemic years, I feel we are in the next phase and that brings me to the phrase that I hear often, "the hobby is dying." This comment is usually made by the generation that proceeded us or people who attend run of the mill, two o'clock battle events. I understand why that is the feeling, but I have a different view. I think the hobby is in great shape, it's just changing. Younger people just aren't as enamored with the old format. They want to build on the Mark Baker format, hitting the woods, using the gear, doing events that are immersive or one offs where a specific impression is built and you do that, unlike the old days where your impression was your impression and you chose your events based on that. Now the idea is to pick the event and then build the impression. Not just some generic thing, but really researching and putting together something that fits the needs of the event. Much like what we are doing for Pricketts. It's the culmination of all of the little niches with in the hobby coming together and creating an impression that is more well thought out, that relies on the work of our forbearers and pushes us to new and better heights. An impression that will give future generations a better idea of the nuances and details and will flesh out the silhouettes and caricatures of bygone films and movies that inspired that first generation to take up a muzzleloader and throw on a coonskin cap and figure it out. Honoring their legacy is important and moving forward doesn't take away what they did, it enhances it and makes it all the more important.

   The Impression I get is that young people are very hungry for history, and the Impression that we do could either be a turnoff, or a turn on. Authenticity is attractive, so let's attract the next generation and give them the best impression we can.  


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Preparations for Dunmore's War and did I mention I don't Shave between events?

DISCLAIMER: I don't shave my beard between events. But I DO shave for events and you should to. 

    As I write this on the morning of August 16th, I am thinking of Dunmore's War and the preparations I need to make as the 250th anniversary event at Pricketts Fort looms not very far in the future. The Dunmore campaign is something I have always wanted to reenact and portray. My 7th Great Grandfather, Francis Cooper was stationed at Glade Hollow Fort in modern day Russell County, Virginia.  

    So the question is, what should one take with them on Indian Campaign? I'm a sucker for a good gear post about lists of items one decides to take with them. I've made lists of basic backcountry gear in previous posts, but I'm going to try to dig a littler deeper this time around and see what happens. 

    I'm going with a cocked hat for this one, and a red cockade (which I have to make still) based on the following description : 

"My Brother Jams went with Dumore as a Lieutenant.  He raised some of his men in our county.  They had Cockades of red ribond. I admired the looks of these soldiers so much I would have been glad to have went with them if I had been old enough." -Westward Into Kentucky: The Narrative of Daniel Trabue p42

    Hunting shirt of natural linen and red leggings. In some instances blue leggings were issued. I am trying to pair down my gear a great deal from what I normally take. I want it to feel like the descriptions I've read of going on Indian Campaign. This will be a fun challenge. I think when we approach this stuff, we want to bring all our toys with us, cause let's face it, we accumulate a lot of gear and pieces of clothing in this hobby. So leaving stuff behind can make us second guess and think "But what if I need that?" or "What if I want to wear that?"

    So let's break down what I am carrying. It's still probably too much, but maybe I just overthink it. 

    First I have my shot pouch and horn. Just a basic pouch, inside is a cuttoe knife, patching for cleaning, and a few blank cartridges as I am not going to carry roundball at an event for safety reasons. From the bag hangs my Kyle Wilyard trade knife. 

    Next up, I have my tobacco pouch of muskrat and pipe in a native style. It also contains my flint and steel and fire kit. I based carrying this on a Cresswell account and I think it would have been a plausible item to have. He writes: 

Sunday, October 1st, 1775. Took leave of most of my acquaintances in town. Mr. Douglas gave me an Indian Tobacco pouch made of a Mink Skin adorned with porcupine quills.

Next is my wallet with bags for dried foods and such. This will eventually contain parched corn, jerked meat, dried peas and bread along with a little flower or cornmeal. It will also house my horn spoon and bowl. In a previous article, Matthew Fennwald wrote about a "Wallet Well Stored" which I recommend and will provide some good period accounts of goods carried on Indian Campaigns. 

Moving along we have my water bottle, or pocket bottle. Kobuck has been writing and advocating for such for a while now and I'm going to take him up on it and see how this works. I can't find any evidence for canteens being issued so I'm leaving my wooden behind this trip I think (although I did carry it on my hike today.) 

    This time around I am going to ditch the knapsack that I usually like to carry (because of all that space for junk I don't need) and I am going to just carry a blanket on a tumpline. Inside the blanket will be a knit cap, extra shirt and maybe a jacket. Tied to the tumpline will be my trade kettle for cooking. 

    As my side arm, I am carrying a hunting sword rather than a tomahawk.

    That basically rounds out the gear. Now, how should one carry this gear. Carrying gear is all about strategy and common sense. I'm always amazed at how many guys I've seen over the years would show up to an event with gear hanging sloppily all over them, haversacks that hung so low at the knee that I highly doubt they had ever really been in the woods. If they had, that would snag on everything. So, a balance between high and tight, but loose enough to be able to get it on and off easily must be struck. 

Yes, I have a beard. Yes, I will shave for the event. 

    I put on my gear in this order. 

-Horn and Bag
-Canteen (if carried) 
-Hunting sword 
-Blanket roll 

    The order is based on the importance of the gear. If I have to make a run for it and I want to shed gear, my most important gear is going to be my shot pouch and horn, so it stays close to the body and everything else can be shed as I run from whatever danger. Obviously a scenario I don't want to experience. 

    The kettle ended up riding really nicely hung from the blanket roll and I was extremely comfortable. I love when I really nail tying up the bedroll. It's aesthetically pleasing and it makes hiking that much more enjoyable when everything is riding comfortably. 

    Hiked a mile on a local trail and everything really worked and functioned. Still tweaking and wanting to add a bit more on the practical side of things, but overall I am pleased with the outcome. 

    Thanks to my best reenacting buddy who also happens to be my beautiful wife for enabling the weirdness and taking pictures. She's the best. 





Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Faces and Memories of Yesteryear

    It was a pleasure to attend the annual CLA show in Lexington KY this past weekend. Eileen and I were so glad to see so many fiends and as usual the after party at the Fennewald Air B&B was off the chain. The fried fish was excellent and I stuffed myself. 

Dillon Householder, Artist 
    One of the highlights was a new face in the reenacting/maker scene, Dillon Householder. Dillon hails from Florida and this was his first time attending the show. His items were on display in the new guy section of the show and what an excellent assortment. His silver work is beautiful, quillwork is on point, just a great set of goods for a guy who just recently found this hobby. And it was this meeting that prompted me to get excited and nostalgic. 

    I love when new people come in to the hobby, and I especially love when they're ate up with it to the point that Dillon is. It's fun seeing people discover this wild and crazy hobby that we do. You could tell he found his community. And I watched as the community embraced and encouraged him. Dillon approaches it exactly the way you hope a new guy would. With eyes wide open, with great enthusiasm, with good questions and with a willingness to listen to us "self proclaimed experts." In all seriousness though, it's so often that people coming into the hobby ask for advice over and over and then simply ignore it when given. So it's refreshing. I certainly don't pretend to know everything, but I'm pretty sure Kobuck does. So read his new article in Muzzleloader! It's really awesome! (This message was not paid for or approved by Kobuck)

    As Dillon and I have talked, we talked about this hobby being kind of a weird lifestyle for a lot of us. That it's literally what we wake up thinking about in some capacity, and go to bed thinking about at night. We put on our gear and go for hikes in the woods, or just pull it out and work on it, tweak it etc. For me, it has been a lifestyle starting from my earliest memories....

     Dad started doing living history in the 1970s and from there started a business that has been a staple of the hobby for many years. He had a lot of vision about what he would do as a vendor. He was the first trader to sell out of a marquee to his knowledge. Donlyn Meyers of Smoke and Fire always said it was true. He was the first to bring a wedge tent and set it up at a Western Fur Trade event causing Charlie Hanson of the Fur Trade Museum to exclaim in the middle of a camp full of Tipis and baker lean-tos,  "That's the most accurate tent here." Dad had an eye for detail and it showed in his first store where he sold reproduction clothing, camp gear and accoutrements. He also had a nose for antiques and in the latter half of his trading days he was known for one of kinds, old tools, center seam blankets and a variety of other goods. 

Dads first catalog, 1983

     I was born in 1990 and after some time away from the 18th century side of the hobby, Dad took me to my first Colonia-ish event in June of 1999 when I was 8 years old and from that point on, the 18th century world of reenacting, trekking, and living history has been a dominant force in my life. Meeting people like Dillon pulls you back to those early days of discovery as you watch someone who's learning about this for the first time. 

     I'm always a little sorry for people who find the hobby later in life. It's been so amazing growing up in it, especially as a kid cause your imagination is so open and ready to be stimulated. I can still remember that time so vividly. But at the same time, I am also extremely jealous, because that time of discovery is so cool. I love learning, and I hope I never stop, but that first time you discover something is truly special. 

    To Dillon and all the new people that come after him, enjoy this time. It's the best.