Well, things have certainly been a whirlwind of holiday activity among the Book clan. We hope its treated everyone as well is it has us. The Shirttail Mess is sponsoring another immersion event in the spring but before I get to that, it is winter and that means projects and a new activity for me, deer hunting. I've been deer hunting before, but have never been super serious about it and so I'm endeavoring to change that. Been seeking advice from Matthew Fennewald and all my buddies who I know are avid hunters and I was gifted a great book for Christmas from my wife, Eileen, that details some of the processing and using of the parts of the deer which is something I want to take full advantage of. It's amazing how this hobby always finds ways to offer a new and immersive layer. Some folks I know care a great deal about clothing and fashion for instance, but have less focus on the more practical sides of life. Others are really into shooting and don't care much for the nuances of clothing. I've always tried to incorporate ALL aspects of life and so this is the next step for me in that process. I've already decided that I hate public land hunting, but that's another story.
I went out in sort of partial kit, knowing that I would potentially run into all manner of camo clad modern muzzleloader hunters, I wanted to keep comments at a minimum. At the time of writing this I have come up empty without so much as seeing one "from a distance". (Points to anyone who can tell me what that quote is from. Shouldn't be hard.) Tomorrow I will try again.
Eileen's Mocs
Will Manire and our daughter Colleen came to visit and Will made me a beautiful great lakes style bag that I just couldn't be happier with. Eileen got a beautiful pair of moccasins. We also worked on a pair of moccasins for me and so for the first time in my career, I have a pair of correct moccasins. Admitting that feels hard, but I think something that I've always personally struggled with is starting projects and being intimidated by them. One of my "resolutions" is to stop being so scared to fail at things and just start trying. So I have a number of projects I want try in the new year and this also includes being more handy in the woods in general. Don't let lack of confidence stop you from trying. You'll probably surprise yourself and be better at something than you thought you could be.
We're gearing up for another immersion event in the spring and I'm really looking forward to that and also we'll be taking the Gilded Beaver shop on the road as much as we can so we hope to see you at an event!